Running in Chilly Weather: Prep for Warmth!

Although running in the winter might not be every runner’s favorite, it doesn’t have to be miserable if you prepare! In fact, it can be very enjoyable and beautiful.

Follow these chillyweatherrunningtips to enjoy your next chilly run.

Keep Extremities Warm

Our body reacts to cold temperatures by reducing blood flow to the hands and feet. Stay warm with gloves, warm socks, and a hat. Try mittens as opposed to gloves to produce more body heat from your fingers!

Enhance Your Warmup

Increase the duration and intensity of your warmup to elevate your core body temperature prior to your run. To allow your body to slowly acclimate to the cold temperatures, complete half of your warmup indoors first and then take the second half outdoors.

Wear Layers

Start your run warm by wearing multiple layers. This allows you to peel off layers throughout the run as you warm up. Plan a route that passes your house to be able to throw those bulky layers to the side.

Wear Moisture-Wicking Clothing

Running clothes that are moisture-wicking are designed to pull away your sweat. Cotton clothing holds in your sweat, which keeps you wet and cold throughout the run. Make sure that bottom layer is sweat-resistant!

Watch for Ice

 Black ice isn’t just a concern for cars. Make sure you are watching your footing as your running in the cold. Even if it didn’t snow or rain, cold weather could lead to a slippery and icy ground.

Run in the Sun

 If possible, try to run during the warmest time of the day when the sun is at its peak. Chances of ice will be lower, and the sun will warm you up even if the temps are still in the chilly numbers.


Written By: Bethann Wittig 
Rutgers Recreation Fitness & Personal Training Coordinator
RRCA Running Coach; NASM-CPT