Metabolic/Body Composition Assessment

InBody 270

Knowing your metabolism and determining your body composition is essential to understanding your health and weight which will help in achieving your fitness goals. Traditional methods of assessing health do not always give enough information. Going beyond your bathroom scale thru the In-Body assessment will give you valuable information including: fat, lean body mass, body water and resting metabolic rate. In-Body measures your body composition and displays it on an organized, easy-to-understand Result Sheet with a   guide to helping achieve your goals through the understanding of how many calories your body needs daily. Knowing what your body needs is the key to weight management and leading a healthier lifestyle.  

(1) 45-minute session consisting of a comprehensive INBODY® assessment, consultation, and nutritional guidance.  




Inbody® Assessment & Consultation

Students / Paid Memberships

Complimentary Memberships

Price per Session$35$40

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