Tricks to Sticking to Your Workout Goals

The Secret to Success: Accountability!

Research has demonstrated that 95% of those who started a fitness program with a friend completed the program.

Try some of these tips to help stick to your workout goals!

Tricks to Sticking to Your Workout Goals:

Stick with your Fit Friends… 6 feet apart

Research demonstrates that we are more likely to complete our fitness programs or lose more weight if we hang out with our Fit Friends.

Schedule Your Workouts

Just like class or a doctors appointment, schedule your workouts into your planner: Prep for Success

Workout with Us 

REC offers Fitness and Wellness classes and personal training to hold you accountable to your goals while working out with friends, classmates, and us! Click HERE to find out more

Write Down Your Goals

Intentionally mapping out goals is associated with achieving those goals. We like to think of goals in a SMART way-
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely

Try Something New

Challenging your body to new & exciting activities can enhance enjoyment and motivation… and physical fitness! The fall is a great time for outdoor activities, or try one of our fitness classes!