My Experience as an Adventure Rec Faciliator

My name is Jackie and I’m an Adventure Rec Student Facilitator. Being a student facilitator has helped me expand my leadership skills while doing something I am truly passionate about- introducing people to the great outdoors!

The position of Student Facilitator is a volunteer position aimed at developing student leadership skills through immersive experience in outdoor recreation. Student Facilitators are responsible for leading groups of students, faculty, and staff on a variety of outdoor excursions like hiking, camping, backpacking, climbing, kayaking, and biking.

Many of our participants are first-timers or beginners, so facilitators must have very strong interpersonal skills and an ability to adapt to the needs of any group. GO Outdoors serves not only its student staff but the whole university community, so we  must have the skills to facilitate participant development while maintaining a safe and positive environment for all involved. Students are compensated for their work though a variety of field experiences, certifications, and trainings.

These past few years, I have gained outdoor survival skills, knowledge of local outdoor spots, and many amazing experiences with great people. Serving the community in this capacity has been an invaluable addition to my Rutgers experience. Rutgers students should consider applying.

To apply, click here.